

Fleas are a pest that many pet owners have had to deal with at some point in time. Because many species of fleas prefer to feed off of animals, pets are the most common method for fleas to infest a household. Although fleas prefer animals, once inside a home they will often bite and feed off of humans as well.

Flea infestations are most easily found by an examination of your pet. If your dog or cat seems to be itching more than usual, you should check for fleas. If fleas are found on your pet, you should move to checking your home to see if the infestation has spread.

Fleas bite animals and humans in order to feed on their blood. These bites usually appear as small red bumps that can be extremely itchy and uncomfortable. In addition to this discomfort caused by the bites, fleas can carry and transmit bacteria and viruses through these bites.